Time for Wine?
Abington Heights Civic League presents,
“Cheers to Spring” Wine Festival
Celebrate spring at a “vintage” festival. A “Cheers to Spring” wine festival scheduled for May 6, 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. at South Abington Township Park, is one of the Abington Heights Civic League, Inc.’s (AHCL) biggest fundraisers. Proceeds from the event will enable the AHCL to continue to provide a myriad of services to the community. All proceeds raised benefit the community, according to Cathy Plishka, AHCL member.
“All money raised from these events is given back to the community at the end of the year,” Plishka says.
The AHCL was founded in 1931 as a means to introduce young women to the “workings” of the Federated Women’s Club and began working its magic in the community with its first kindergarten class in 1945. AHCL also opened the first library with a total of 750 books.
Plishka says, “Look at it (the library) now.”
“The AHCL Dance Academy,” scholarships awarded annually to high school students, vision screening for registering kindergarten children, and Christmas trees for all the grade schools in our area are a few more examples of the benefits the organization provides.

While this is the first year for the AHCL wine celebration, supporters might also recall the Roaring 20’s Gala, two sell-out events in 2015 and 2016 that were sponsored by the civic league.
Plishka say, “For the last two years, we did a Roaring Twenties event at the Country Club of Scranton, which was very successful.”
What will you find at the festival?
For $20, Plishka says attendees can expect 11 wine vendors (and more could sign on), food, and musical entertainment by “Mace in Dickson” and “The Tisburys.” Raffles and baskets will also be available at an extra charge and 35 vendors are expected to offer their wares. Designated drivers can join in on the fun for $10.
Wineries already registered are Capra Collina, Antler Ridge Hidden Creek, Hidden Creek, Lucchi, Mucchilo Family Winery, Deep Roots Hard Cider, Iron Hart Brewery, Case Quattro Winery, Winterland Winery, and OneHope Wine.
To purchase a ticket online, visit https://www.facebook.com/events/1145188532243026.