S01 Episode 12: The Power of Facebook & Getting Published with Elle Croft – Joan Mead-Matsui

S01 Episode 12: The Power of Facebook & Getting Published with Elle Croft

So, I’ve realised I have a potty mouth. It’s terrible! I’m actually going to stop swearing as much so I can have an episode rated CLEAN, which I haven’t managed since the episode with Monica. Facepalm. My wonderful guest this week is Elle Croft of ElleCroft.com. Elle is a blogger, social media expert and a PUBLISHED writer — yep, she wrote a BOOK. She is also one of my favourite writers and human beings in general




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Abi King: Inside Travel Lab

Elle’s FB Pixel post

Jen Carrington

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Where you can find Elle

HER BOOK!!! Pre order NOW 

Her Blog: http://www.ellecroft.com

Her Freelance Website: http://www.croftsocial.com

Twitter: @elle_croft

Instagram: @elle_croft

Facebook: /ellecroft

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