Lessons From An Award-Winning Journalist
Learn “3 Interview Tips for Journalists” from five-time award-winning freelance journalist Joan Mead-Matsui. Conquer your fears and boost your confidence with practical tips you’ll use time and time again.
Do you want to strut into an interview beaming with self-confidence
The 3 Interview Tips for Journalists will help you stand out from the moment you sit down for your interview. Do you want to show your style but you’re not sure where to begin?
Do you want to stand out from the crowd? I’ll teach you how to tap into your interviewee’s story.

Take it from me, interview skills are the single most important instrument in your reporter’s toolbox.
Start today!
Practice these 3 Interview Tips at your next interview
1. Don’t be afraid to ask follow-up questions. Prepare for the unexpected answer and immediately follow up on any comments you believe will interest your readers. Don’t hesitate to ask for additional information but give your interviewee time to finish a sentence,
2. Keep your options open but have your list of questions on hand. I can tell you from experience, (and more than 1,500 interviews to my credit) interviews that begin and end as a conversation will make your story easy to prepare and are, by far, the most interesting to read.
3. Read or listen to your interview transcript less than 24 hours after your interview. Follow up with your interviewee by email no later than a day after your interview. If you have an equipment malfunction or you’re not sure about an answer to one of your questions, don’t wait until you’re ready to prepare your story.
Do you love what you’ve read so far?
Think about the most memorable television, radio, YouTube, or podcast interviews you’ve watched or listened to in your lifetime. If one, in particular, comes to mind, chances are the interviewer’s style is one of the factors that set the interview apart from the others you’ve seen.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with looking to some of the world’s most famous journalists as role models but develop your own style. 3 Interview Tips for Journalists will guide you through some of your more challenging interviews.

Preparation is Key
As a journalist, you set the tone. Prepare for your interview, stay calm, show respect, be patient and inquisitive.
Additional Insight
Why do I love interviews?
Above all, people and their stories are intriguing. Everyone I’ve met in my life, from the artist to the politician has a story that’s ripe and ready to tell. In other words, extract that information and present it in an interesting and engaging way while adhering to basic style rules.
Is a travel writer a journalist?
Travel writers are journalists and one of my goals as a mentor is to convey the importance of integrity, creativity, and professionalism to new writers who cover the travel and tourism industry. I’ll expand on tips for travel writers in new lessons in the Journalist Support Hub, a members-only Facebook community. I created the group to give news writers the tools they need to compete and thrive in a highly competitive market.
Join today by clicking here.
Do you have your copy of my course, “The INCREDIBLE Interview: Tips for Journalists and Travel Writers?” Learn how to interview with style. I dispell myths, debunk your pre-conceived notions you’ve come to believe about yourself, and teach you everything I learned as a freelance journalist for newspapers and magazines. You’ll walk away with the lessons I learned that led me to win five newspaper association awards.

“I was really nervous about being interviewed but you’re a great interviewer.” “I can tell you love your job.”
We all love praise. Positive comments propel us to work harder and smarter. Even the occasional positive review is a motivator and indicator you’re moving in the right direction. Soak up the praise and ask for feedback every time but above all, ask your interviewee for final comments. For example, you might ask, would you like to add something? Is there anything I forgot to ask you?
Learn how to put your mind at ease, squash your fears, and set the stage for compelling and engaging INTERVIEWS with people from all walks of life who want to tell their stories.
As always, message me with any questions.
Learn new skills today. Join the Journalist Support Hub, my members-only Facebook group I created to give you ongoing support. Learning is a lifelong process but the truth is, we can’t always find the guidance we need.