Fly-Fishing 101 Taught by Orvis Certified Instructors.

Fly-Fishing free classes await you. Spring is the perfect time to recharge your love for nature. Learn to fly fish at an Orvis store near you in the spring and you’ll be ready for your first adventure.
Have you dreamed of discovering a new hobby that will allow you to spend more of your free time outdoors? If you feel antsy from the long-term effects of being cooped up all winter a trip to your nearest Orvis store can help.
Shop with Confidence
Believe me — learning fly-fishing fundamentals and buying fly-fishing gear is as much fun as shopping for designer shoes. You could literally spend hours in pursuit of the perfect waders, wading boots, a vest, fly rod and reel combo, and a selection of flies.
Retail Guidance
The free Fly Fishing 101 course focuses on teaching you fly-fishing basics but you’ll also receive “retail” guidance. You’ll have everything you need to wade with confidence and possibly catch a fish on your first day out. so when you’re ready to venture to the water’s edge, I’ve already put to work the skills I learned at a free Fly Fishing 101 class at the Orvis Manchester, VT flagship store.
Use this link to shop for fly fishing gear.
Orvis Fly Fishing 101 classes attract more than 15,000 participants each year. Men, women, and families flock to the spring classes offered at many Orvis retail outlets throughout the world.
Join the fun at your local Orvis retail store. Certified and experienced instructors teach fly-fishing fundamentals like knot tying, casting and reeling in your catch. Rest assured, you’ll leave the class with the skills you need and equipment that’s right for you.
The Family That Fishes Together…
Orvis instructors can help prepare you and your whole family for a day of fly-fishing fun. Imagine spending time together on the water. Learn how to cast, tie knots, select equipment, and protect the environment through responsible fishing.
Share Your Love for Fly Fishing
All ages are welcome to take the free Fly Fishing 101 class but children
under 16-years-old must be accompanied by an adult, so why not share your interests and bring your whole family. Most importantly, teach your children to respect and preserve our natural resources while you’re on the water. Show them why our waterways and fish are so important to the environment. A river or stream is an ideal mobile classroom for you to demonstrate stewardship.
Orvis offered its first Fly Fishing 101 class 10 years ago and to celebrate the milestone, Orvis will donate $1 to Casting for Recovery® for every student who attends a 101 class this year.
Participants receive special in-store offers they can use towards the purchase of Orvis equipment and a Free Trout Unlimited membership. ($35 value). Take a moment to watch an Orvis Fly Fishing 101 instructor teach our group to tie one of the most commonly used knots.
Register in advance to reserve your seat. Visit to find a class near you.
Do you want to learn more about fly fishing? Read more here and be sure to click on the Orvis product links for savings and coupons.
My trip was comped but my opinions are my own and based on my own experience.
Some of the links on this page are affiliate links. I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase but at no additional cost to you. Above all, I recommend the product based on their helpful and useful nature, and not because of the small commissions I make if you decide to buy something.